Sunday, August 18, 2013

Bleak Pop / Act three / Bringing back the pop into the bleak

As a last act of the whole project we felt it was natural to bring back our vision of pop into the bleak that we took inspiration from. Therefore we found an abandoned villa and we decided to organize an installation for "Nobody" to attend. Is art still art without viewers? I don't believe there is a correct answer to the question but just surrogate ways to bring it to the view of an audience, this is an attempt to make it as less visible as possible.

The villa is virtually unaccessible and not well known, the idea that tickled us was to use one of the spaces that inspired the whole bleak pop exhibition and bring it back to life with something that nobody could be part of if not browsing through the pictures. We will not disclose the location of the villa, the installation is just for your online viewing pleasure unless you don't stumble upon it on your everyday urban exploration. 

It is our small tribute to the things that we love and helped us to bring you "Bleak Pop". This is something that we did just for our pleasure and fun. No people, no money, no glory, just our three different visions,  crafts and the places that inspired us.

Please find below some photos of the installation for your viewing pleasure.

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